Awards 2017
Team Trophies: all Dazzler teams were awarded the absolute highest team trophy for which they were eligible:
1. Sweepstakes Trophy (for three routines) Itty Bitty Dazzlers (Lollipop, Dreamboat, We Got the Beat)
2. Sweepstakes Trophy (for four routines) Little Dazzlers and Lower Elementary Dazzlers (Walk the Dinosaur, Splish Splash, L-O-V-E, Yankee Doodle)
3. Sweepstakes Trophy (for three routines): Intermediate Dazzlers (Circus, Toy Story, Feel It)
4. Sweepstakes Trophy (for three routines): Junior Dazzlers (Rather Be, Peter Pan, One Way or Another)
5. Sweepstakes Trophy (for three routines): Senior Dazzlers (Favorite Things, Hamilton, Born to Be Wild)
6. Single Division 1 (for one routine) Combined Dazzlers (British Invasion)
Gussie Nell Davis Awards for Excellence: To earn a Gussie Nell Davis award you must receive a score of 90 or above from every judge on every routine
7. Gussie Nell Davis Award (for four routines): Little Dazzlers and Lower Elementary Dazzlers (Walk the Dinosaur, Splish Splash, L-O-V-E, Yankee Doodle)
8. Gussie Nell Davis Award (for three routines): Intermediate Dazzlers (Circus, Toy Story, Feel It)
9. Gussie Nell Davis Award (for three routines): Junior Dazzlers (Rather Be, Peter Pan, One Way or Another)
10. Gussie Nell Davis Award (for three routines): (for three routines): Senior Dazzlers (Favorite Things, Hamilton, Born to Be Wild)
Judges Awards: This award is given to highest scoring routines in each category:
11. Judges Award for Novelty: Itty Bitty Dazzlers 2 (Dreamboat)
12. Judges Award for Novelty: Little Dazzlers (Splish Splash)
13. Judges Award for Novelty: Intermediate Dazzlers (Toy Story)
14. Judges Award for Novelty: Junior Dazzlers (Peter Pan)
15. Judges Award for Novelty: Senior Dazzlers (Hamilton)
16. Judges Award for Pom: Lower Elementary Dazzlers (Yankee Doodle)
17. Judges Award for Pom: Intermediate Dazzlers (Feel It)
18. Judges Award for Pom: Junior Dazzlers (One Way or Another)
19. Judges Award for Pom: Senior Dazzlers (Born to be Wild)
20. Judges Award for Prop: Intermediate Dazzlers (Circus)
21. Judges Award for Jazz: Lower Elementary Dazzlers (L-O-V-E)
22. Judges Award for Hip Hop: Little Dazzlers (Walk the Dinosaur)
23. Judges Award for Lyrical: Senior Dazzlers (Favorite Things)
24. Judges Award for Show Production: Senior, Junior, Intermediate, Lower Elementary, Little Dazzlers (British Invasion)
Best Overall Awards:
Best Overall Bronze Award: Itty Bitty Dazzlers (Lollipop, Dreamboat, We’ve Got the Beat):
25. Best Overall Presentation
Best Overall Gold Award: Little Dazzlers and Lower Elementary Dazzlers (Walk the Dinosaur, Splish Splash, L-O-V-E, Yankee Doodle):
26. Best Overall Technique
27. Best Overall Precision
28. Best Overall Choreography
Best Overall Gold Award: Intermediate Dazzlers (Circus, Toy Story, Feel It):
29. Best Overall Technique
30. Best Overall Precision
31. Best Overall Choreography
Best Overall Platinum Award: Junior Dazzlers (Rather Be, Peter Pan, One Way or Another):
32. Best Overall Technique
33. Best Overall Precision
34. Best Overall Choreography
35. Best Overall Presentation
Best Overall Platinum Award: Senior Dazzlers (Favorite Things, Hamilton, Born to Be Wild):
36. Best Overall Technique
37. Best Overall Precision
38. Best Overall Choreography
39. Best Overall Presentation
Winner's Circle - these are the highest scoring teams performing at least 3 routines in each age group.
40. Winner's Circle: Itty Bitty Dazzlers (Lollipop, Dreamboat, We’ve Got the Beat)
41. Winner's Circle: Little Dazzlers and Lower Elementary Dazzlers (Walk the Dinosaur, Splish Splash, L-O-V-E, Yankee Doodle)
42. Winner's Circle: Intermediate Dazzlers (Circus, Toy Story, Feel It)
43. Winner's Circle: Junior Dazzlers (Rather Be, Peter Pan, One Way or Another)
44. Winner's Circle: Senior Dazzlers (Favorite Things, Hamilton, Born to Be Wild)
45. Best of the Best #1 – This award is given to the absolute highest scoring team of the entire competition! Little Dazzlers and Lower Elementary Dazzlers (Walk the Dinosaur, Splish Splash, L-O-V-E, Yankee Doodle)
46. Best of the Best #2 – This award is given to the absolute highest scoring team of the entire competition! Senior Dazzlers (Favorite Things, Hamilton, Born to Be Wild)
Other Awards:
47. Academic Champions (Average GPA 3.76) Senior Dazzlers
48. WOW FACTOR Award: Little Dazzlers (Splish Splash)
49. Most Outstanding Team: Lawrence Dazzlers! (Itty Bitty Dazzlers 1, Itty Bitty Dazzlers 2, Little Dazzlers, Lower Elementary Dazzlers, Intermediate Dazzlers, Junior Dazzlers, Senior Dazzlers)