Awards 2015
Team Trophies: all Dazzler teams were awarded the absolute highest team trophy for which they were eligible:
1. Division One Trophy (for one routine): Itty Bitty Dazzlers (Me and My Teddy Bear)
2. Sweepstakes Trophy (for four routines): Little Dazzlers and Lower Elementary Dazzlers (Doctor Doctor, My Precious One, Snow White, Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree)
3. Sweepstakes Trophy (for three routines): Intermediate Dazzlers (Shake, Arabian Nights, Waka Waka)
4. Sweepstakes Trophy (for three routines): Junior Dazzlers (Papa's Got A Brand New Bag, We Got The Beat, Under My Umbrella)
5. Sweepstakes Trophy (for three routines): Senior Dazzlers (Shake It Off, Worn, Lighthouse)
Gussie Nell Davis Awards for Excellence: Please note only the Little Dazzlers, Lower Elementary Dazzlers, Intermediate Dazzlers, Junior Dazzlers, and Senior Dazzlers were eligible for these awards:
6. Gussie Nell Davis Award (for four routines): Little Dazzlers and Lower Elementary Dazzlers (Doctor Doctor, My Precious One, Snow White, Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree)
7. Gussie Nell Davis Award (for three routines): Intermediate Dazzlers (Shake, Arabian Nights, Waka Waka)
8. Gussie Nell Davis Award (for three routines): Junior Dazzlers (Papa's Got A Brand New Bag, We Got The Beat, Under My Umbrella)
9. Gussie Nell Davis Award (for three routines): Senior Dazzlers (Shake It Off, Worn, Lighthouse)
Judges Awards: This award is given to highest scoring routines in each category:
10. Judges Award for Novelty: Itty Bitty Dazzlers (Me And My Teddy Bear)
11. Judges Award for Novelty: Lower Elementary Dazzlers (Snow White)
12. Judges Award for Novelty: Intermediate Dazzlers (Arabian Nights)
13. Judges Award for Novelty: Junior Dazzlers (We Got the Beat)
14. Judges Award for Pom: Little Dazzlers (Doctor Doctor)
15. Judges Award for Pom: Intermediate Dazzlers (Shake)
16. Judges Award for Pom: Junior Dazzlers (Papa's Got A Brand New Bag)
17. Judges Award for Pom: Senior Dazzlers (Shake It Off)
18. Judges Award for Prop: Junior Dazzlers (Umbrella)
19. Judges Award for Jazz: Senior Dazzlers (Lighthouse)
20. Judges Award for Jazz: Intermediate Dazzlers (Waka Waka)
21. Judges Award for Jazz: Lower Elementary Dazzlers (Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree)
Best Overall Awards: Please note only the Little Dazzlers, Lower Elementary Dazzlers, Intermediate Dazzlers, Junior Dazzlers, and Senior Dazzlers were eligible for these awards:
22. Best Overall Technique: Little Dazzlers and Lower Elementary Dazzlers (Doctor Doctor, My Precious One, Snow White, Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree)
23. Best Overall Technique: Intermediate Dazzlers (Shake, Arabian Nights, Waka Waka)
24. Best Overall Technique: Senior Dazzlers (Shake It Off, Worn, Lighthouse)
25. Best Overall Presentation: Little Dazzlers and Lower Elementary Dazzlers (Doctor Doctor, My Precious One, Snow White, Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree)
26. Best Overall Presentation: Intermediate Dazzlers (Shake, Arabian Nights, Waka Waka)
27. Best Overall Presentation: Senior Dazzlers (Shake It Off, Worn, Lighthouse)
28. Best Overall Choreography: Little Dazzlers and Lower Elementary Dazzlers (Doctor Doctor, My Precious One, Snow White, Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree)
29. Best Overall Choreography: Intermediate Dazzlers (Shake, Arabian Nights, Waka Waka)
30. Best Overall Choreography: Junior Dazzlers (Papa's Got A Brand New Bag, We Got The Beat, Under My Umbrella)
31. Best Overall Choreography: Senior Dazzlers (Shake It Off, Worn, Lighthouse)
32. Best Overall Precision: Little Dazzlers and Lower Elementary Dazzlers (Doctor Doctor, My Precious One, Snow White, Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree)
33. Best Overall Precision: Intermediate Dazzlers (Shake, Arabian Nights, Waka Waka)
34. Best Overall Precision: Junior Dazzlers (Papa's Got A Brand New Bag, We Got The Beat, Under My Umbrella)
35. Best Overall Precision: Senior Dazzlers (Shake It Off, Worn, Lighthouse)
Winner's Circle - these are the highest scoring teams performing at least 3 routines in each age group. Dazzlers won all that they were eligible for. Please note only the Little Dazzlers, Lower Elementary Dazzlers, Intermediate Dazzlers, Junior Dazzlers, and Senior Dazzlers were eligible for these awards
36. Winner's Circle: Little Dazzlers and Lower Elementary Dazzlers (Doctor Doctor, My Precious One, Snow White, Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree)
37. Winner's Circle: Intermediate Dazzlers (Shake, Arabian Nights, Waka Waka)
38. Winner's Circle: Junior Dazzlers (Papa's Got A Brand New Bag, We Got The Beat, Under My Umbrella)
39. Winner's Circle: Senior Dazzlers (Shake It Off, Worn, Lighthouse)
40.Winner's Circle (Best of the Best) Banner (Little Dazzlers, Lower Elementary Dazzlers, Intermediate Dazzlers, Junior Dazzlers, Senior Dazzlers)
Other Awards:
41. Academic Champions Runner-up: Senior Dazzlers
42. WOW FACTOR Award: Senior Dazzlers (Shake It Off) (this routine was selected as the most memorable team routine of the competition by the judges)
43.Most Outstanding Team: Lawrence Dazzlers! (Itty Bitty Dazzlers, Little Dazzlers, Lower Elementary Dazzlers, Intermediate Dazzlers, Junior Dazzlers, Senior Dazzlers)