Awards 2018
Team Trophies: all Dazzler teams were awarded the absolute highest team trophy for which they were eligible:
1. Sweepstakes Trophy (for three routines) Itty Bitty Dazzlers (When I Grow Up, Best Is Yet To Come, Dancin’ Poodles)
2. Sweepstakes Trophy (for four routines) Little Dazzlers and Lower Elementary Dazzlers (Yacht Club Swing, It’s My Party, Shake A Tail Feather, New York New York)
3. Sweepstakes Trophy (for three routines): Intermediate Dazzlers (Reindeer, Wonder Woman, Bellhop Boogie)
4. Sweepstakes Trophy (for three routines): Junior Dazzlers (Let It Snow, Ain’t Nothing Wrong With That, Total Eclipse of the Heart)
5. Sweepstakes Trophy (for three routines): Senior Dazzlers (You’ll Be In My Heart, Alive, Mario)
6. Single Division 1 (for one routine) Combined Dazzlers (Lion King)
Gussie Nell Davis Awards for Excellence: To earn a Gussie Nell Davis award you must receive a score of 90 or above from every judge on every routine. Every Dazzler team earned this prestigious award!
7. Gussie Nell Davis Award (for three routines) Itty Bitty Dazzlers (When I Grow Up, Best Is Yet To Come, Dancin’ Poodles)
8. Gussie Nell Davis Award (for four routines): Little Dazzlers and Lower Elementary Dazzlers (Yacht Club Swing, It’s My Party, Shake A Tail Feather, New York New York)
9. Gussie Nell Davis Award (for three routines): Intermediate Dazzlers (Reindeer, Wonder Woman, Bellhop Boogie)
10. Gussie Nell Davis Award (for three routines): Junior Dazzlers (Let It Snow, Ain’t Nothing Wrong With That, Total Eclipse of the Heart)
11. Gussie Nell Davis Award (for three routines): (for three routines): Senior Dazzlers (You’ll Be In My Heart, Alive, Mario)
Judges Awards: This award is given to highest scoring routines in each category:
12. Judges Award for Novelty: Itty Bitty Dazzlers #1 (Dancin’ Poodles)
13. Judges Award for Novelty: Little Dazzlers (Yacht Club Swing)
14. Judges Award for Pom: Lower Elementary Dazzlers (It’s My Party)
15. Judges Award for Pom: Intermediate Dazzlers (Wonder Woman)
16. Judges Award for Pom: Junior Dazzlers (Ain’t Nothing Wrong With That)
17. Judges Award for Pom: Senior Dazzlers (Alive)
18. Judges Award for Prop: Junior Dazzlers (Total Eclipse of the Heart)
19. Judges Award for Jazz: Itty Bitty Dazzlers Dazzlers #2 (When I Grow Up)
20. Judges Award for Jazz: Little Dazzlers (Shake A Tail Feather)
21. Judges Award for Jazz: Intermediate Dazzlers (Reindeer)
22. Judges Award for Jazz: Junior Dazzlers (Let It Snow)
23. Judges Award for Open: Lower Elementary (New York New York)
24. Judges Award for Show Production: Senior, Junior, Intermediate, Lower Elementary, Little Dazzlers (Lion King)
Best Overall Awards:
Best Overall Bronze Award: Itty Bitty Dazzlers (When I Grow Up, Best Is Yet To Come, Dancin’ Poodles):
25. Best Overall Presentation
Best Overall Platinum Award: Little Dazzlers and Lower Elementary Dazzlers (Yacht Club Swing, It’s My Party, Shake A Tail Feather, New York New York):
26. Best Overall Technique
27. Best Overall Precision
28. Best Overall Choreography
29. Best Overall Presentation
Best Overall Bronze Award: Intermediate Dazzlers (Reindeer, Wonder Woman, Bellhop Boogie):
30. Best Overall Choreography
Best Overall Gold Award: Junior Dazzlers (Let It Snow, Ain’t Nothing Wrong With That, Total Eclipse of the Heart):
31. Best Overall Precision
32. Best Overall Choreography
33. Best Overall Presentation
Best Overall Silver Award: Senior Dazzlers (You’ll Be In My Heart, Alive, Mario):
34. Best Overall Technique
35. Best Overall Precision
Winner's Circle - these are the highest scoring teams performing at least 3 routines in each age group.
36. Winner's Circle: Little Dazzlers and Lower Elementary Dazzlers (Yacht Club Swing, It’s My Party, Shake A Tail Feather, New York New York)
37. Winner's Circle: Junior Dazzlers (Let It Snow, Ain’t Nothing Wrong With That, Total Eclipse of the Heart)
Other Awards:
38. Academic Champions (Average GPA 3.63) Senior Dazzlers
39. WOW FACTOR Award: Lower Elementary Dazzlers (New York New York)
40. Outstanding Director: Caryn Oyler, Lawrence Dazzlers